Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc, a French heroine, was a peasant girl who led the French army to victory during the Hundred Years' War, inspiring national unity and devotion.

Joan of Arc, born in 1412, was a remarkable figure in French history. As a peasant girl, she claimed to have received divine guidance to support the French cause during the Hundred Years' War. Joan defied societal norms by successfully convincing the Dauphin (future Charles VII) to grant her command of the French army. Her leadership and military prowess were instrumental in turning the tide of the war. Joan led the French troops to significant victories, including the lifting of the siege of Orléans. She became a symbol of national unity and inspired the French to fight for their independence. However, Joan's success drew the attention of the English, who captured her in 1430. She was put on trial by an ecclesiastical court on charges of heresy and witchcraft. Despite her valiant defense, Joan was found guilty and burned at the stake in 1431, at the age of 19.Joan of Arc's legacy is one of bravery, faith, and national pride. She was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church in 1920 and remains an enduring symbol of French resilience and patriotism. Her remarkable story continues to captivate people around the world, highlighting the extraordinary impact of individuals who challenge societal norms and rise above adversity.


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